Bristol Medical School, University of Bristol, UK

Professor Helen Lambert

Helen Lambert (D.Phil.) is Professor of Medical Anthropology in the Department of Population Health Sciences, Bristol Medical School, and Challenge Leader for Global Health at UK Research and Innovation (UKRI). She has undertaken ethnographic and interdisciplinary research in India and other Asian countries over three decades on a variety of projects. Her research interests include social science and One Health approaches to antimicrobial resistance (AMR), sociocultural dimensions of infectious diseases including COVID-19, HIV prevention, medical pluralism and treatment-seeking, suicide prevention, gender violence and environmental health.

Dr Sajida Ally

For the ResPharm project, Sajida coordinates and supports the work of the ‘Qualitative Team’ that is led by Professor Helen Lambert at BMS and Professor Manmeet Kaur at PGIMER in Chandigarh, India. The team is working collectively to document practices and living conditions associated with human exposure to pharmaceutical waste and people’s perceptions of the health risks involved, antibiotic-related treatment practices, and the structural drivers of exposure. Sajida’s work involves providing remote support to PGIMER’s on-the-ground research through leading the team in planning methodology, designing research tools, and analysing emerging qualitative data.

University of Bristol