Professor Helen Lambert

Professor Helen Lambert

Helen Lambert (D.Phil.) is Professor of Medical Anthropology in the Department of Population Health Sciences, Bristol Medical School, and Challenge Leader for Global Health at UK Research and Innovation (UKRI). She has undertaken ethnographic and interdisciplinary research in India and other Asian countries over three decades on a variety of projects. Her research interests include social science and One Health approaches to antimicrobial resistance (AMR), sociocultural dimensions of infectious diseases including COVID-19, HIV prevention, medical pluralism and treatment-seeking, suicide prevention, gender violence and environmental health.

As the UK ESRC Research Champion for AMR (2015-17), Helen led initiatives to highlight the role of the social sciences in tackling AMR and build cross-disciplinary research capacity. She is currently UK PI for STAR-China, a Newton Fund-supported UK-China AMR Hub on Strategies to reduce the burden of antibiotic resistance in China and leads the social science workstream on a project exploring One Health drivers of AMR in Thailand (UKRI/GCRF/DHSC) as well as on ResPharm.  Helen is a member of the MRC Applied Global Health Research Board and has served on WHO’s Strategic Technical Advisory Group for AMR and on the NIHR Global Health Research panel.

University of Bristol